After school club

After school club

At Wood Wizards, we believe in nurturing creativity and craftsmanship from a young age. Our After School Woodworking Clubs provide the perfect opportunity for your child to unleash their imagination and build lasting memories.

Join us on weekdays in the afternoon for engaging and fun-filled woodworking sessions. Our experienced instructors guide children through exciting projects, turning wood into unique masterpieces. From imaginative objects to practical items, each creation is a testament to your child's creativity and skill.

For more information and to enroll your child in the world of woodworking wonders, find details below. Let the sawing, sanding, and glueing adventures begin!

Contact us

Why wood wizards?

Sense of competence, confidence, responsibility, respect for self and others, respect for material and safety.

Mathematical thinking (size, shape, volume, measurement, directionality, geometry) engineering skills, creativity and inventiveness.

Eye-Hand coordination, strength and fine motor control.

The smell and feel of wood, the dusty friction of sanding something smooth, the contrast of warm wood and cold metal.

With the emphasis on STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics) in early childhood classrooms, the Wood Workshop provides Preschool and Primary School children a means to become makers, tinkerers and engineers.

Inclusive Workshops

Our workshops are inclusive, we strive to extend our passion for creativity to every child, including those with special needs. We celebrate moments of triumph as each child, with their own pace and approach, unveils their creative potential. Our workshops are not just about crafting projects; they are about cultivating a supportive environment where every child can experience the joy of self-expression, discover newfound abilities, and leave with a sense of accomplishment and confidence, regardless of their unique challenges.


We've witnessed initially reserved children cautiously beginning their projects, only to leave the workshop brimming with pride in both their accomplishments and newfound skills. Energetic kids found a sense of calm while sanding, surprising everyone with their heightened concentration and willingness to engage.

Creative minds seized opportunities to translate ideas into reality, often adapting and learning about physical laws along the way. Even the most confident students showed a touch of humility after realizing the effort behind crafting a masterpiece. Regardless of their initial demeanor, the common thread among these wonderful children is the unmistakable pride and newfound confidence evident on their faces as they exit the workshop. They've not just used proper tools but also discovered muscles and skills they never thought possible.

Inclusive Workshops

Step By Step Development Each Session

  1. First Session: Introduction to Materials, Tools and Safety Equipment and Rules
  2. Each session we will :
    1. Reflection on what they did last session
    2. Introduction to today’s material and tools
    3. Safety Rules again

Skills students will be learning in the first month



Hand Drilling Holes

Nailing and screwing
parts together


Gluing parts for strength

Sawing (on advanced level and under one on one supervision of Instructor)

Clean up

Discuss the next steps


After School Club

$80 per month for up to 4 classes (incl. VAT)

Unlock your child's creativity with Wood Wizards Lebanon! Our afterschool woodworking workshops teaches essential skills and fosters a love for craftsmanship in a fun, safe environment! 

What parents of our Wizards say about us